
Connect with warmer leads from your targeted industries when the buyers are actively searching for software and services solutions.

Connect better with quality leads

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Millions of buyers research software and services every month on our global network of buyer-facing reviews sites — Capterra, GetApp, Software Advice and UpCity.

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Global Reach

Connect with 9 million buyers a month across 1,200 software and services categories covering multiple buyer personas across our four brands. Boost engagement in international markets by targeting buyers in their primary language through our 60+ localized sites.

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Easy Campaign Management

Easily adjust campaigns, update or add new targeting parameters, and manage bids based on your business priorities.

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Maximum Visibility

Get seen by more in-market buyers by promoting your software and services at the top of category searches across our sites, and optimize your profile with guidance from marketing and lead management experts and our translation services.

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Conversion Tracking

Track campaign success with our self-service online portal and conversion tracking tool to improve bidding efficiency and maximize ROI.

How it works

  1. Internet Search
    71% of B2B buyers start research with a generic search.
  2. Gartner Digital Markets Sites
    We direct Pay-Per-Click leads to your campaign landing page, where they convert into mid-funnel leads.
  3. Profile Visit
    Buyers find the software or service they’re looking for and click external links for the next steps.
  1. Conversion
    Buyer converts on your webpage or landing page by completing lead capture form.
  2. Repeat Engagement
    Prospects return to compare products, read and write reviews, and research new solutions.

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL)

For software buyers that need a little more help, our PPL service allows buyers to consult with our phone-based advisors who are subject matter experts in specific B2B software categories. Our PPL program delivers pre-qualified leads based on your personalized, targeted buyer profiles.

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Hyper-Targeted Leads

Receive only leads that are uniquely matched to your ideal buyer profile and verified based on budget, authority, needs and timeline.

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Receive Real-Time Leads

Reach warm leads immediately following calls with our software advisors, who contact buyers 30 seconds after requesting a consultation.

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Premium Placement

Increase your visibility to buyers by promoting your software at the top of category searches on Software Advice.

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CRM Delivery

Instantly alert your sales team to conversion opportunities through email notifications and direct CRM integration.

How it works

  1. Internet Search
    71% of B2B buyers start with a generic online search to solve their business problems.
  2. Software Advice
    Buyers explore directories and rankings to find software that meets their needs.
  3. Conversion
    Buyers complete form to request a consultation with an advisor.
  4. 30 Secs After Completion
    Initial phone outreach from an advisor helps buyers narrow their search.
  1. 1:1 Consultation
    Participate in a 10-15 minute tailored discussion to compile business needs.
  2. Qualification
    A buyer lead fits your target and connects to your sales team.
  3. Quality Assurance
    Every lead is checked for authenticity and accuracy to ensure quality.
  4. Real-time Delivery
    Qualified, hot lead is delivered to your sales team.

Connect. Convert. Thrive.

Sign up today to learn how Gartner Digital Markets lead generation
campaigns can convert warmer leads and fill your sales pipeline.