Chief Sales Officer Launches a New Breakthrough Product

A leading pharmaceutical company’s new-to-role chief sales officer (CSO) had limited time to prepare his entire sales force for a new product launch. With Gartner support, the CSO was able to develop an effective commercial insight framework in a condensed time frame and equip his sales team with adequate skills for a successful product launch.

Mission-critical priority

A new-to-role CSO of a leading pharmaceutical company was tasked with launching a new product. He had limited time to ensure that the global sales team was ready to strike and make the product launch as successful as possible. 

How Gartner helped

Gartner provided the client with best practices and benchmarks for developing a framework on commercial insights to equip the sales team with adequate skills, tools and processes to prepare them for a successful product launch. The strategy formulation and execution were supported by Gartner expert-led webinars, workshops and on-site visits.

Business impact

With support from Gartner for Sales Leaders, the CSO:

  • Secured stakeholder buy-in for the product launch strategy from his sales leadership team
  • Saved time as the sales team was ready to strike for a successful product launch in a matter of weeks instead of months
  • Achieved set targets, with the sales team well above their target trajectory two months since the product launch




Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

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