Lead a World-Class Communications Team

Access tools and insights to drive business results

Effective communication is getting harder to achieve

Effective organizational communication is arguably more important than ever in today’s environment of change and uncertainty. Gartner research helps Chief Communications Officers improve and accelerate their function’s impact on business outcomes.

46% of communications leaders consider audience information overload a key challenge
Improving the capability of the function without increasing resources is absolutely critical to the success of the person leading the function. Gartner has helped me improve my capability overall — it’s as simple as that.

Jon Peet

Head of Corporate Communications, Nokia

How we address your top challenges

Communications leaders are under constant pressure to influence stakeholder perceptions and behaviors to drive business outcomes. Our research and insights, rooted in the challenges and topics our clients deem most important, can help you and your team save time and make better decisions that impact your day-to-day activities as well as longer-term strategic initiatives. 

Build a communications strategy that supports corporate success

Forty-six percent of communications staff don’t feel that their role allows for significant business impact. The solution is to align communications initiatives to corporate objectives, ensuring the functional strategy tangibly contributes to wider business goals.

Only 8% of communications leaders believe they have the right set of skills on their staff to meet organizational demands.
Helping employees understand how their work connects to the goals of the company can improve performance by up to 10%.

Align internal messaging and influence attitudes to drive change

Companies redefining their brand, mission or strategy in response to change face many challenges. Learn how communications leaders can help the business craft the right narrative to impact internal and external change.

Helping employees understand how their work connects to the goals of the company can improve performance by up to 10%.

Take a stance and navigate changing audience expectations

Fifty-seven percent of communicators feel that protecting their reputation in the face of polarizing issues is of the utmost urgency. With mounting pressure to engage in contentious societal issues, navigating new audience expectations has never been more important.

57% of communicators feel that “protecting their reputation in the face of polarizing issues” is of the utmost urgency. Yet only 26% feel confident they can successfully managing contentious issues.

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